Turn Key Farm Business

El Exótico Camino Del Tucán S.A.
Examples of Products
cebollinos ( green onion)
kale toscano
kale rojo. (red kale)
kale verde (green kale)
perejil italiano (parsley)
albahaca (Basil)
eneldo (dill)
bock choy
mostaza (mustard lettuce)
lechugas (lettuce)
vainica espárrago (beans)
camote naranja (orange sweet potato)
camote morado (purple sweet potato)
amote amarillo (yellow sweet potato)
ñame morado ( exotic tuber)
yuca algodón (casava)
ñampi brasileño (exotic tuber)
papa dulce dulce ( sweet potato)
kilos jengibre (Ginger)
tiquisque lila (exotic tuber)
tiquisque blanco “
curcuma ( tumeric)
toronjas rojas (grapefruit)
Passion fruit
And many more
85 hectars.
4 furnished living spaces
Large locking shop
Lots of roofed storage.
Processing room
30-40 acres of reforestation.
Mixed lumber 25 years old now.
Organic certified crops.
Well trained experienced crew.
2 small lakes
diesel water pump for crops during dry times
Suzuki van
Kia 1500 4×4
Kubota tractor with all the attachments.
Kubota zero turn lawn mower.
Kubota UTV mule
Suzuki quad
Italian diesel UTV
Regular brush cutters chainsaws etc…
It’s a turn key operation.